CourseDelta for Yorku

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SC/MATH 2930 (3.00)
Introductory Probability and Statistics
This is an applied probability and statistics course for engineering students. The aim is to provide an application oriented introduction to probability and statistics. The examples will be from a wide selection of engineering disciplines. The probability component is about 30% of the lectures. About 40% of the time, the lectures and tutorials focus on solving practical statistical problems that emerge from engineering problems. Prerequisites: SC/MATH 1014 3.00 or equivalent; SC/MATH 1025 3.00 or equivalent; LE/EECS 1011 3.00 or equivalent. Course credit exclusions: SC/MATH 1131 3.00; SC/MATH 2560 3.00; SC/MATH 2570 3.00; SC/MATH 2565 3.00.

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