CourseDelta for Yorku

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SC/MATH 1019 (3.00)
Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science
Introduction to abstraction. Use and development of precise formulations of mathematical ideas. Informal introduction to logic; introduction to naïve set theory; induction; relations and functions; big O-notation; recursive definitions, recurrence relations and their solutions; graphs and trees. Three lecture hours per week. Plus, drop-in optional problem sessions as well as instructor office hours, as these are announced in each term. Prerequisites: SC/MATH 1190 3.00 or SC/MATH 1200 3.00 or SC/MATH 2200 3.00, or two 4U Math courses, including MHF4U (Advanced Function). Course credit exclusions: LE/EECS 1028 3.00, SC/MATH 1028 3.00.

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