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LE/EECS 3980 (0.00)
Computer Security Internship Work Term
This experiential education course reflects the work term component of the Technology Internship Program (TIP). Qualified Honours students gain relevant work experience as an integrated complement to their academic studies, reflected in the requirements of a learning agreement and work term report. Students are required to register in this course for each four month work term, with the maximum number of work term courses being four (i.e. 16 months). Students in this course receive assistance from the Career Centre prior to and during their internship, and are also assigned a Faculty Supervisor/Committee. Prerequisites: Enrolment is by permission only. Criteria for permission include: 1. that students have successfully completed at least nine EECS or CSE credits at the 3000-level including LE/EECS 3482 3.00 or LE/CSE 3482 3.00 or SC/CSE 3482 3.00, with a GPA of at least 6.00 in all mathematics and computer science courses completed; 2. that students are enrolled full-time in the Honours program prior to beginning their internship and have attended the mandatory preparatory sessions as outlined by the Career Centre; 3. that students have not been absent for more than two consecutive years as a full-time student from their Honours degree studies; 4. that upon enrolling in this course students have a minimum of nine credits remaining toward their Honours degree and need to return as a full-time student for at least one academic term to complete their degree after completion of their final work term. Registration in LE/EECS 3980 0.00 (formerly LE/CSE 3980 0.00, SC/CSE 3980 0.00) provides a record on the transcript for each work term.

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