This course is an introduction to the concepts and tools of computer science as students learn a procedural subset of the Python programming language. Python has a variety of libraries in different domains allowing for the solution of interesting problems which has made it a popular language in industry and the academy. Students do hands-on work to design, write, debug and test computer programs that solve problems computationally.
Students study variables, assignments, expressions (arithmetic, relational and logical) and sequencing of statements to implement solutions for computational problems, in Python. They document programs with comments and preconditions. They analyze the type correctness of programs via a type checker. They use an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) to develop, unit-test and debug programs given a problem specification. They apply conditionals (including nested conditionals) to implement algorithms to solve computational problems. They code functions to develop modular programming solutions for computational problems. They apply Python loops (including nested loops) to implement algorithms to solve computational problems. They apply data structures, including tuples, sets, lists and dictionaries, to implement algorithms to solve computational
problems. They code simple recursive functions to implement algorithms to solve computational problems. Prerequisites: One of (1)-(3) below must be met: (1) (New high school curriculum): One 4U Math course with a grade of at least 75%. (2) Completion of six credits from York University MATH courses (not including courses with second digit 5) with a GPA of 5.00 or better over these credits; (3) Completion of six credits from York University mathematics courses whose second digit is 5, with an average grade not below 7.00 (B+).
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