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LE/EECS 1011 (3.00)
Computational Thinking Through Procedural Programming and Mechatronics
The objectives of 1011 are threefold: providing a first exposure to procedural programming, teaching students a set of computing skills (such as reasoning about algorithms, debugging and hardware interfacing and interaction), and demonstrating how computers are used in a variety of engineering disciplines. It uses problem-based pedagogy to expose the underlying concepts and experiential laboratory activities and projects to implement them. An integrated computing environment (such as MATLAB) is used so that students can learn key programming concepts(such as variables and control flow) without being exposed to complex or abstract constructs. The problems are chosen with consultation with the various engineering disciplines in the Faculty with a view of exposing how computing is used in these disciplines. In support of program-related objectives, WHMIS I and Active Bystander training will take place in this course. Course credit exclusions: LE/EECS 1541 3.00.

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