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GS/EECS 6415 (3.00)
Big Data Systems
Modern data systems seek to extract value from data and enable data-driven decisions sweeping all aspects of society, ranging from natural sciences to government to business. Big data involves analyzing massive data volumes and variety of data sources. Doing so effectively needs high quality data to ensure that the analyses and resulting decisions are meaningful and do not fall prey to the garbage in, garbage out (GIGO) syndrome. This course covers big data systems, that is infrastructures that are utilized to handle all steps in typical big data processing pipelines, which include data management and analysis. We introduce data systems for data profiling, repairing inconsistencies in the data, and for analyzing data in the presence of these inconsistencies. We explore system design for turning large scale semistructured and even unstructured data into actionable insights. Students get an experience with big data analysis tools, data stream processing, distributed data platforms, NoSQL and NewSQL technologies.

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