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FA/DATT 4301 (3.00)
Critical Game Play
Examines the development of computer and video games from an historical and genre perspective. Provides a foundation for thinking critically about the history of games and how they are situated in culture, including their practices of representation of women, racial minorities and others. Through critical play practices, the students will experiment with identity, creative expression and invention in games and explore meaning making in play through exploration of a range of games and by tracing the history of video games with emphasis on diverse analytical approaches, including art history, critical theory and visual culture. Provides a broad study of games, gamification, and game play and their use in various applications, including video games, simulations, serious gaming, and art making contexts. The course considers implications of game techniques in a variety of fields including interactive art, multi-stakeholder engagement, serious gaming, learning, and other problem-solving scenarios. It also explores new and cutting-edge trends in gaming, such as in the areas of alt gaming, queer games, Not Games, and urban gaming where the potential and boundaries of games and game play are being challenged and tested. The course seeks to foster critically aware gamers who understand video games beyond their entertainment value. Prerequisites: None.

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