This course prepares students to compose and perform interactive music and sound art using computational means. Students learn the fundamental programming techniques required to realize algorithmic music compositions and interactive performance systems. Following the paradigms of composer/performer and of the composed-instrument, students' projects focus on writing an interactive composition (solo or ensemble) for their classmates, and developing an interactive performance system for personal expression. Topics include orientation to algorithmic composition principles, sound analysis/processing/synthesis methods, developing new interfaces for musical expression, and fundamentals of acoustics and auditory perception as they relate to computational music and sonic art creation. Contemporary research-creation practices in these ares are introduced, and contextualized relative to the rich historical, aesthetic and conceptual literature in the field of Computer Music. Prerequisites: MUSI 3070 or4070 Electro-Acoustic Orchestra or MUSI 1140 Digital and Electronic Media I or DATT 1000 - Introduction to Interactive Digital Media or Permission of Instructor. CCE: FA/DATT 4071 3.00.
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