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FA/DATT 3701 (6.00)
Collaborative Project Development in Games
The entire class collaborates on the realization of one or two ambitious game projects. Students will work together as a development team by taking on roles where they focus on specific aspects of the project (such as Director, Designer, Artist, Programmer, Level Designer, Sound Designer, Publicity). The development team structure is modeled on teams used in large-scale project development within fields related to games that rely on multi-stakeholder collaboration and interdisciplinary research. Projects may incorporate partnerships with York-based Faculties, Departments, or research teams depending on the focus of the project. The nature of the project will vary from year to year, but will be a significant work in the field of games. The Instructor(s) will prepare a general description of the project(s) at the beginning of the course. The details of the project(s) will be developed as part of the class activities. As part of the project development and execution students will be expected to prepare presentations, posters, and a written paper. The culmination of this course will be a final presentation, which will be open to the public. In addition to group assignments, students are evaluated based on their individual contribution, teamwork, presentations, and other deliverables as appropriate. Only open to students the Digital Media Specialized Honours BA program Games stream, and the Digital Media BA; FA/DATT 2050 3.00, and FA/DATT 2100 3.00. Co-requisite: LE/EECS 2030 3.00 and DATT 3300 3.00. Course credit exclusion: FA/DATT 3700 6.00.

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